Home Staging - 7 Secrets for Prepping Homes for Maximum Appeal


What Is Staging?


Home staging is the preparation of a private residence for sale in the real estate marketplace. The goal of staging is to make a home appealing to the highest number of potential buyers, thereby selling a property more swiftly and for more money. Staging techniques focus on improving a property's appeal by insuring it is a welcoming, attractive product that any buyer can see himself/herself living in and, thus, desire to purchase.


Note: Home staging is not the same as decorating. Decorating is about personal style, while staging makes your home appealing to the largest pool of buyers.


These days, it's rare for sellers expecting quick turnovers and top dollar not to enlist the services of a professional home stager, whose job it is to showcase a residence for maximum appeal. This goal is to make a property appealing to as many people as possible so that the agent can get those bidding wars going, can get lots of people interested and excited.


Eighty-two 82% of agents believe staging has a positive impact on buyers, and almost third of them said they stage all sellers' homes before listing them for sale.


Quiet, neutralized spaces composed of beiges and nudes and greys, punctuated with setting-specific accoutrements geared toward prospective buyers are usually preferred. This is the science behind home staging, a blending of subtle aspirational cues within an attractive yet innocuous stage set that almost anyone could see themselves occupying.


At the end and whatever the design, a staged home much make a good first impression online, to convince a buyer to view their property.



7 Home Staging Tips


1. Clean

A clean and decluttered home shows potential buyers that you've taken good care of the property. You should clean every part of the house. If you doubt "should I leave this item here?" then it's better to remove it. Remember, less is more and minimalism is the key. That way your buyers can imaging putting their own stuff here.


Since kitchen and living room are the first place the buyer visit and use the most during the day, you need to ensure they are clean and odorless. Likewise, make sure your bathrooms is spotless from the corners of the tub to the sink drain and the back of the toilet.


2. Depersonalize

Buyers is buying a home for their family and they have their own preference of photos and refrigerator art, so it's better to remove all the family photos all refrigerator stickers and magnets. And hide away your clothes as much as possible and any personal items.


3. Define rooms

Each room has a purpose. Make sure your dining room is a dining room without a sofa bed or a treadmill in it. Buyers need to see the proper space so any extra unrelated items in the room will make the room smaller.


4. Freshness

It is unlikely that a potential buyer will like old and stained carpet, chipped paint and dents and cracks on wall, or uncommon paint color. If the house has odor from pet or cooking, candle, coffee beans / grinds, or soft and neutral scent air fresheners will be helpful to get rid of the odor as much as possible


5. Lighting

Add more lighting if your homes natural light cannot reach in. Your home appear more inviting when it's brighter.


6. Decors

To make the home seem warm and inviting, you can add some decors like candles, nice tray and some fresh flowers in vases or some artificial plant pots.  It's never too much to add some new clean plush towels in the bathrooms.


7. Exterior

Your curb appeals are important points of focus because they are the first impression.  Like an interview, first impression always counts.


Make sure you get rid of any weeds and your lawn, hedges, trees, and other plants are neatly pruned. Power wash your home's exterior and even the driveway and side walk if possible.

If you have outdoor space in the backyard, put some nice outdoor furniture and make it part of the attraction to your house.

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